Scene it! Matrix Revelations  

Posted by Randy R

So there's this scene in Matrix: Revelation which Morpheus, Trinity and Seraph go underground to see the Frenchman in a location that reminds me of H.o.P (House of Pain), not IHOP. The scenario becomes gritty as the 3 heroes step out of the elevator and have to run through coat-check/ weapon-check. The fight was bad-ass with bad guys able to run upside down with guns a-blazing. A scene which creatures with spider-walk, range attacks can bring down a party.

But what I loved the most was the club scene: full on S&M clothes with freaks and geeks dancing, the heroes trying to wade through but more likely to be overrun as they sought out the Frenchman. If in a D&D scene, the heroes had to get to the informant through a sea of minions, will they start hacking and slashing through? Or, will they try to cross path keeping the baddies away to go through negotiations?

This entry was posted on Monday, February 8, 2010 at Monday, February 08, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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